Monday, October 4, 2010

Random things to ponder...

1. Beds. why do they make them so darn comfortable? Comfortable beds are not very conducive to getting up in the morning....which we all have to do every day of our lives.

2. Weather. texas weather to be exact. it has been beautiful outside lately...but i'm not getting my hopes up of it staying around, because knowing could be back to 100 degrees in 2 days.

3. October. just sit on that one for awhile. is it really october already??

4. Time. time is weird. you can be thinking of a certain moment and it can feel like it happened yesterday, while at the same time feel like it was a million years ago. how is that even possible?

5. Pregnancy. i've been around a lot of pregnant ladies over the last 2 yrs. several family members. several friends. several co-workers. so i have learned a lot of the ins and outs of being pregnant, body changes, giving birth, etc. i know a lot of women find pregnancy great...but right now, it just creeps me out a little. dont judge...i'm just being honest here.

I think that's enough pondering for tonight...more to come I'm sure.

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